Roman+Kaddy // Doggett’s Coat and Badge Wedding

Doggett’s Coat and Badge wedding photographer

Roman and Kaddy got married back in Hong Kong, where they live. However they wanted to have a reception over here for all their friends who couldn’t make it.

I met them in the morning in a flat they were renting just by the OXO tower; it was great to meet them properly in quite a relaxed setting.  I love some of the shots I got of Kaddy getting ready with lovely orchids in her hair.

Their reception was at the Doggett’s Coat and Badge by Blackfriars Bridge. They’d booked the top floor and balcony with its lovely view of St Paul’s Cathedral and the London skyline. It got more and more beautiful as the evening went on, the sun set and all the lights came on. It reminded me how much I love London.

Even though it wasn’t their actual wedding they had included a few wedding details. There was a tree covered in little boxes with wedding favours for the guests. They also had a picture of a tree without leaves which guests were invited to print their fingerprint on and sign their name, a modern twist on the guestbook, which becomes quite a nice memento of the day for the couple. They’d booked a magician for a few hours; he went around and stunned the guests with tricks. I saw all the tricks a number of times over and still can’t understand how he did them. But it made for some cool photographs of varying levels of disbelief.

Kaddy’s from China and Roman is from Britain, so their different cultures made for quite a nice mix of details on the day. With strawberries in the champagne, lovely orchids dotted around and the delicate blossom tree from which the favours hung all placed within a British pub with nice British food and tasty beers. The cultures were also represented in their lovely guests. One of the things I noticed was the desire of all of Kaddy’s friends to take an enormous number of photographs. Everyone had a camera or a phone so I spent a lot of time photographing people photographing other people. Below are some of the photographs I captured from this lovely afternoon.

Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer
Doggett's Coat & Badge wedding photographer


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