2024_Lucy Judson Photography, Oxford wedding photographer

Sarah+Jamie // Orleans House Gallery Wedding Photographer

Orleans House Gallery // 21/09/19

Sarah and Jamie got together over their shared love of beer, food, pubs, dogs in pubs, West London, films etc! I shared all these loves so knew I was going to have the best day being their Orleans House Gallery wedding photographer.

The day started at this beautiful building in Twickenham by the river Thames, Orleans house was a Palladian villa built in 1710 and newly restored in all its former gorgeousness. The sun didn’t stop shining all day. Sarah and Jamie met up outside the ceremony so they could walk in together. It was so lovely seeing them excited and nervous together and having a private moment before sharing it with their close family and friends.

Jamie’s niece read a poem during the ceremony that made everyone cry including me, I’m a right softie. I promise it doesn’t stop me taking pictures though. Even if I can’t see through my water-filled eyes.

They continued the day by drinking in the sun and then hopping in a boat across the river and jumping in a bus to a lovely pub in Richmond called The White Horse to join more friends and family for some pub grub.

Below are some pics from their gorgeous day.


Orleans house Wedding Photographer, Lucy Judson Photography, London Wedding photographer





Whatever your plans are, I’d love to hear from you!

I’m based in Oxford, but if you’re celebrating somewhere else, and you want me to come and capture your big day, I’ll be there!

If you have any questions just send me a message.